Immigration to Ochi Town


Immigration to around Ochi Town , Kochi

Ochi Town is a town in Kochi Prefecture.

The legend that Emperor Yasutoku has escaped after the Genpei battle remains. A natural rich town located in the Midwest of Kochi Prefecture, in the western part of town, there is a wide spread of MT

Municipality KochiOchi Town
Region 西部
Population (people) 5797
Area (sq. Km) 111.95
Population density 51.78

KochiOchi Town gender ratio

Inhabitant tax of Ochi Town,Kochi

Prefectures Municipality Equal share Income ratio
Prefectures Municipality Prefectures Municipality
Kochi Ochi Town 2,000yen 3,500yen 4% 6%
Inhabitant tax amount(Case:400万円) 2,000yen 3,500yen 70,400yen 105,600yen
Annual amount of residence tax(Total) 181,500yen

Ochi Town's migration support information etc.

Ochi Town's migration support PR video

【Experience】Pros and cons of migrating to Ochi Town

List of municipalities in Kochi
