Immigration to Hakui City


Immigration to around Hakui City , Ishikawa

The city of Hakui is located in the western part of the Hokuriku region and is a city belonging to Ishikawa Prefecture. The origin of the place name of Hakui is rid of the bird that the emperor of Sheng was tormented the territory people of this side, it is said that the legend that the three dogs brought by Prince at this time ate and broke the feather of Bird is original.

Municipality IshikawaHakui City
Region 能登地方
Population (people) 21726
Area (sq. Km) 81.85
Population density 265.44

IshikawaHakui City gender ratio

Inhabitant tax of Hakui City,Ishikawa

Prefectures Municipality Equal share Income ratio
Prefectures Municipality Prefectures Municipality
Ishikawa Hakui City 2,000yen 3,500yen 4% 6%
Inhabitant tax amount(Case:400万円) 2,000yen 3,500yen 70,400yen 105,600yen
Annual amount of residence tax(Total) 181,500yen

Hakui City's migration support information etc.

Hakui City's migration support PR video

【Experience】Pros and cons of migrating to Hakui City

List of municipalities in Ishikawa
