Immigration to Tsushima City


Immigration to around Tsushima City , Nagasaki

Tsushima City is a city located on the horse of Nagasaki Prefecture.

The location of the Tsushima Promotion Bureau. The whole mountain tends to be almost flat. The largest urban area is in the south east of the Itsuhara district.
It is also the most densely populated city in the Kyushu region.

Municipality NagasakiTsushima City
Region 対馬地域
Population (people) 31468
Area (sq. Km) 708.63
Population density 44.41

NagasakiTsushima City gender ratio

Inhabitant tax of Tsushima City,Nagasaki

Prefectures Municipality Equal share Income ratio
Prefectures Municipality Prefectures Municipality
Nagasaki Tsushima City 2,000yen 3,500yen 4% 6%
Inhabitant tax amount(Case:400万円) 2,000yen 3,500yen 70,400yen 105,600yen
Annual amount of residence tax(Total) 181,500yen

Tsushima City's migration support information etc.

【Experience】Pros and cons of migrating to Tsushima City

Advantages of immigration to Tsushima City

Disadvantages of immigration to Tsushima City

Reviews and experiences is not registered.

List of municipalities in Nagasaki
