Immigration to Anpachi Town


Immigration to around Anpachi Town , Gifu

Hatchobori is a town located in the northwestern part of the Nobi Plain in the southwestern part of Gifu Prefecture. The fertile countryside is one of the largest granary in the prefecture, while at the same time it is an industrial city where several large companies have offices.
A strong west wind of Ibuki grated blows in winter by the influence of Ibuki Mountain although the climate is warm all year.

Municipality GifuAnpachi Town
Region 西濃地域
Population (people) 14755
Area (sq. Km) 18.16
Population density 812.5

GifuAnpachi Town gender ratio

Inhabitant tax of Anpachi Town,Gifu

Prefectures Municipality Equal share Income ratio
Prefectures Municipality Prefectures Municipality
Gifu Anpachi Town 2,500yen 3,500yen 4% 6%
Inhabitant tax amount(Case:400万円) 2,500yen 3,500yen 70,400yen 105,600yen
Annual amount of residence tax(Total) 182,000yen

Anpachi Town's migration support information etc.

【Experience】Pros and cons of migrating to Anpachi Town

List of municipalities in Gifu
