Immigration to Kashima City


Immigration to around Kashima City , Saga

Kashima City is a city in the southern part of Saga Prefecture.

Former Fujitsu-Gun. Located in the southern part of Saga Prefecture, about 60km southwest of Saga City. East of the city is facing the Ariake Sea, and the southwest area of prefectures is Nagasaki Prefecture. There is a ambuklao in the south, and in the south is the foot, and several rivers engrave the valley.
The north is a coastal plain and has Kashima City.

Municipality SagaKashima City
Region 杵藤地域
Population (people) 29700
Area (sq. Km) 112.12
Population density 264.89

SagaKashima City gender ratio

Inhabitant tax of Kashima City,Saga

Prefectures Municipality Equal share Income ratio
Prefectures Municipality Prefectures Municipality
Saga Kashima City 2,000yen 3,500yen 4% 6%
Inhabitant tax amount(Case:400万円) 2,000yen 3,500yen 70,400yen 105,600yen
Annual amount of residence tax(Total) 181,500yen

Kashima City's migration support information etc.

【Experience】Pros and cons of migrating to Kashima City

List of municipalities in Saga
