Immigration to around Ueno Village , Gunma
Ueno Village is a village in Tano County, located in the southwestern part of Gunma Prefecture (southernmost).
The population density is the lowest among municipalities in the prefecture.
In addition, 7.0% of the residential area ratio is the lowest in the prefecture.
Municipality | GunmaUeno Village |
Region | 高崎・藤岡地域 |
Population (people) | 1228 |
Area (sq. Km) | 181.85 |
Population density | 6.75 |
GunmaUeno Village gender ratio
Inhabitant tax of Ueno Village,Gunma
Prefectures | Municipality | Equal share | Income ratio | ||
Prefectures | Municipality | Prefectures | Municipality | ||
Gunma | Ueno Village | 2,200yen | 3,500yen | 4% | 6% |
Inhabitant tax amount(Case:400万円) | 2,200yen | 3,500yen | 70,400yen | 105,600yen | |
Annual amount of residence tax(Total) | 181,700yen |
Ueno Village's migration support information etc.
【Experience】Pros and cons of migrating to Ueno Village
List of municipalities in Gunma
- 高崎・藤岡地域
- Annaka City
- Takasaki City
- Tomioka City
- Huzhioka City
- Kanna Town
- Kanra Town
- Shimonita Town
- Ueno Village
- Nanmoku Village
- 伊勢崎・太田地域
- Isesaki City
- Oota City
- Tatebayashi City
- Itakura Town
- Oura Town
- Ooizumi Town
- Tamamura Town
- Chiyoda Town
- Meiwa Town
- 利根・沼田地域
- Numata City
- Minakami Town
- Katashina Village
- Shouwa Village
- 前橋・桐生地域
- Kiryuu City
- Shibukawa City
- Maebashi City
- Midori City
- Yoshioka Town
- Shintou Village
- 吾妻地域
- Kusatsu Town
- Nakanojou Town
- Naganohara Town
- Higashiagatsuma Town
- Takayama Village
- Tsumagoi Village